
abrasion resistance

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abrasion resistance为短语/超纲词汇
1. When Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family she met with some resistance.

2. Tiredness lowers your resistance.

3. Later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigour and resistance which,

4. This increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact when they hit the ground.

5. There is no resistance: there is perfect assimilation.

6. As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ship´s power and limits its speed.

7. Anti-rejection drugs, it turned out, also weakened the body´s resistance to any disease-carrying germs which came its way.

8. Although team members knew almost from the start that reducing drugs was the answer, they also faced resistance from those who were used to doing things in the traditional way.

9. Still,I suggest you not eat there any more.Tiredness lowers your resistance.
    我还是要建议你不要在再在那里吃了, 疲劳会降低你的抵抗力.

10. I don´t think so, either, but my resistance to germs is high.
    我也认为不卫生, 但是我对病菌的抵抗力很高.
